Muhammad Novriadi Alfatih

Welcome to my home. You are welcome in here, because we are family.

Minggu, 14 April 2013


Ini Aksiku! Mana Aksimu?

Rabu (10/3) seluruh keluarga besar member Global English Course Kediri berkumpul di Jl. Brawijaya Tulungrejo, Pare, Kediri. Mereka berkumpul untuk mendengarkan presentasi dari team volunteer  Earth Hour Kediri. Tim ini disambut hangat oleh Mr. Toto dan seluruh staff Global English. Acara yang membahas tentang isu perubahan iklim tersebut berlangsung edukatif dan dirasa cukup merangsang hasrat untuk berkonservasi dan peduli terhadap segala isu global dari perubahan iklim yang berdampak terhadap masa depan bumi.

Acara ini berlangsung selama 2 jam dimulai pukul 19.00 WITA hingga pukul 21.00 WITA. Dimulai dengan penampilan dari salah satu tim yang akrab dengan panggilan “Bang Gimbal” untuk menyanyikan sebuah lagu yang bertema kerusakan alam dan diikuti dengan penyampaian materi. Materi presentasi berisikan tentang latar belakang diadakannya program 60+, dimulai dari sejarah, alasan, target, hingga solusi yang diajukan oleh program tersebut. Dalam kegiatan ini juga dilakukan pemadaman listrik di Kantor salah satu lembaga kursus terbesar di Kampung Inggris tersebut selama 1 jam sesuai dengan tagline yaitu 60 menit untuk bumi, ini aksiku! Mana aksimu?

Program ini diprakarsai oleh salah satu organisasi PBB yang bernama WWF (World Wild Fund) dan dimulai pertama kali pada tanggal 31 Maret 2007 di kota Sydney, Australia dengan tujuan mengurangi gas rumah kaca di kota tersebut sebanyak 5% pada tahun 2007. Keberhasilan kampanye ini diharapkan dapat diadopsi oleh masyarakat, komunitas, bisnis, serta pemerintah lain di seluruh dunia sehingga seluruh warga dunia dapat menunjukkan bahwa sebuah aksi individu yang sederhana sekalipun bila dilakukan secara massal akan membuat kehidupan kita di Bumi menjadi lebih baik.  kegiatan tersebut terus berlangsung setiap tahun dan semakin banyak kota di dunia yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini. Setiap kota memiliki volunteer seperti halnya kota Kediri yang juga memiliki tim relawan yang dengan luar biasa gigih menjalankan program kerjanya.

Dari paparan presentasi tersebut disampaikan pula tentang pembinaan volunteer, seperti Kumbang dan lain-lain. Imbauan dan slogan yang bernafas konservasi juga digalakkan oleh tiap volunteer di setiap daerah, seperti Indonesia yang 10 Kotanya telah berpartisipasi dalam program ini serempak pada 23 Maret tahun 2013. Masing-masing kota memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam melakukan program ini disamping pemadaman lampu selama 60 menit di Ikon kota, Kantor pemerintahan, Swasta, dan lain-lain yang memang pemadaman lampu selama 1 jam menjadi acara pokok, mereka juga melakukan acara tambahan seperti Banda aceh melakukan penyelaman di KM 0, Jakarta memadamkan lampu di Ikon Kota yaitu Monas dan lain sebagainya.Kota- kota tersebut antara lain Jakarta, Aceh, Bandung, Bogor, Semarang, Pontianak,Bali, Jogjakarta, Kediri, dan Surabaya.

Tentu saja harapannya adalah jangka panjang berefek pada gaya hidup masyarakat. Diharapkan kesadaran public tidak hanya pada hari itu namun akan berlanjut terus. Oleh sebab itu kampanye  publik untuk menjadikan gaya hidup konservasi seperti diet kantong plastik, membawa botol minum sendiri, mengurangi berkendaraan bermotor, dan gaya hidup konservasi lainnya. Di Kediri sendiri setiap hari Sabtu mereka mengadakan bersepada ria dan berkumpul di alun-laun.

Salah satu kampanye yang paling populer yaitu  “If You Will, I Will”. Dimana seseorang akan melakukan sesuatu yang ganjil JIKA ia berhasil mengajak orang lain untuk berkonservasi. Contoh saja, Aril Noah akan melakukan show dengan kostum panda JIKA ada yang menanam pohon sebanyak seribu batang. Kampanye ini juga didukung oleh banyak public figure lain seperti Andy. F. Noya dan lain-lain. Telah banyak pihak yang dilibatkan dan mendukung program dari organisai berlambang panda tersebut. Pemerintahan, Swasta, Sekolah dan Universitas, LSM, Organisasi Pecinta Alam, dan Komunitas.

1 Jam Untuk Bumi
Menjelang akhir acara ada sesi Tanya jawab yang cukup interaktif. Dialog Tanya jawab membahas tentang emisi CO2 hingga terumbu karang. Selanjutnya diadakan pula sesi foto dan video untuk menyampaikan dukungan pada kegiatan ini. Dari acara ini diharapkan akan ada kota yang terpanggil untuk berpartisipasi dan dapat mencontoh kota-kota yang sudah lebih dulu mendukung kegiatan positif ini.

Senin, 08 April 2013

Every single person in the world usually have a dream, big dream. Being success, wealthy, have a beautiful wife, or even become a president. But the important thing from that dream is how to grab it. There is doesn’t matter how big or how high your dream but how your effort to reach your goal. Try to imagine that a climber who climb the huge and high mountain with all tools and heavy bag in his back. He have a goal, what is he goal? His goal is to standing on the peak of the mount. But we should be relies that every journey always have obstacle. Stone, river, even beast animal will be ready to stay in the climber way. Although there is so many barrier but the climber really don’t care about that, he keep going on, until he get his goal.
In our reality, we can take  valuable lesson from the climber above. No matter what our dream or goal, we should be relies that we can make it, we can do it, we can make it come true. Sometimes in our journey, we come across with the trouble. Perhaps love, money, family, friends, or even from ourselves. For instance, someone who want to continued his study but he doesn’t have much ability to funding himself. Or, he a rich guy but he doesn’t have any spirit to do something because he from the broken home family. There is nobody perfect, always have more and less.
But the point is how to make a deal with our weakness. How to solve the problem. Every dreamer will be followed  by the problem. More high you dream, more strong your problem. More high the trees, more strong the wind to tear it up.  So, what should we do? As we know Struggle and patient are the solution for it. Be struggle and patient when we got the problems, when we on under pressure condition. be patient to learn, take lesson from our mistakes. Consistent to keep walk even we tired.
Diamond and the rock are from the similar substance, but they have different experience. Diamond formed by high pressure and hottest temperature in beneath of the earth and take very long time. In the other hand, rocks is not. More pain, more gain. Trust me, if we want to got something, we have to give something. Give our best effort, give our patient so that nothing will be end in nothing.  

Pare, 8 April 2013

Sabtu, 06 April 2013


Hello my friends, hows doing? i hope everything been better with you all. Today i want to share you about Idiom. Hopely, this information can be help you to improve our english. Okay i dont wanna bet around the bush anymore, here we go.. The Idiom..

Idiom Homework

To eat in                                    : I always come home before 18.00 to eat in with my mother.
                                                  Tika asked me to join hear eat in hers house.
Eat out                                    : Although his mother have cook for dinner, he asked me to eat out in restaurant.
                                                  : Yoko always go to restaurant for eat out. 
Cut and Dried                            : I afraid to cut and dried if I too long in here.
                                                  : My dormitory is great, so I never cut and dried.
To look after                              : I hope you can look after my mother when I have been in Pare.
                                                  : I wonder you to look after his car
Feel like                                      : I don’t feel like to do anything.
                                                  : I feel like to study tonight.
Once and for All                         : I ask you for once and for all
                                                  : I can pass this exam once and for all.
To hear from                              : I hear from him that you have been in here since yesterday
                                                  : Reza heard from Doni that I was accepted the scholarship.
Make fun of                                : Do not be stupid if you do not want to make them fun of you.
                                                  : I do not mean to make fun of your hairstyle.
To come true                              : Every single person have their own way to make their dream come true.
                                                  : I will make my dream come true by hook.
As a matter a fact                      : as a matter of fact, I can’t speak English.
                                                  : as a matter of fact, my mother always pray for me.
To have one’s way                      : we have to persistent to have one’s way
                                                  : Don’t give up, we can have our one’s way.
Look forward                            : She always, look forward to be my girlfriend
                                                  : I look forward to be a greatest scientist in the world.
Inside out                                    : You must fix your clothes, because it is inside out.
                                                  : I wonder, why you wearing your clothes by inside out.
Upside down                              : You have to change the position because it is upside down.
                                                  : You would make this thing broken if you still assemble that upside down.
Fill in                                        : I am still filling in my cv.
                                                  : I want to fill in water to the bottle.
Fill out                                         : perhaps I will fill out my letter.
                                                  : all of us have to fill out our task.
Take my advantage of                 : I will take advantage of this opportunity.
                                                  : we have to take advantage of our strength to make up our personality.
No matter                                  : it is no matter if today rain.
                                                  : no matter how ugly you are, I still loving you.
Be in touch                                 : I hope we can still be in touch even if we had broke.
                                                  : I still be in touch with Tika because she loves me.

Second meeting:

Take up                                      : The president took up speech after the governor.
                                                  : The journey from Lampung to Kediri was took up about 2 days.
Take up with                              : Every chairman of organization take up with all members.
                                                  : I feel glad to take up with you.
Out of touch with                        : I feel sad when I am out of touch with her.
                                                  : I hope you don’t be out of touch with me.
On one’s toes                             : I am always urge you to on one’s toes.
                                                  : I wonder on his toes.
Get long                                     : After ten years, our medicine technology is get long.
                                                  : I have to get long.
Hard of hearing                           : After reach 50 years old, usually some person will get hard of hearing.
                                                  : I don’t want to hard of hearing.
See eye to eye                            : I think between you and I have see eye to eye.
                                                  : I am very glad because my boss was see eye to eye with me.
Have in mind                              : do you have something in your mind?
                                                  : I always having you in my mind.
Keep in mind                              : I wish that you will always keep me in your mind.
                                                  : ika always keep all about me in her mind.
For once                                    : Could you help me to just for once.
                                                  : I want to see your face for once before I am leaving you forever.
To go off                                    : I wonder why suddenly you go off.
                                                  : please give me your reason why you go off.
Make a best of                           : we have to do a best of our activities.
                                                  : I believe that you can make a best of your effort.
Cut off                                        : don’t cut my head off please
                                                  : could you help me to cut the line off.
Cut out                                       : this paper is too large, please cut it off.
                                                  : it is easy to cut this paper out.
Blow out                                    : The terrorist was success to blow that building out.
                                                  : I am blowing out the balloon.
Become of                                 :I don’t believe that calamity become of me.
                                                  : why the accident became of my friend.
Shut up                                       : hi, shut up your mouth.
                                                  : should I shut the windows up?
Have got                                     : I have got lot of money.
                                                  : when I was child, I have got lot of toys.
Have got to                                 : we have got to obey our obligation.
                                                  : I have go-to do my home work.
Keep up with                             : don’t speak too fast, I can’t keep up with your voice.
                                                  : trust me I can keep up with your love.
On the other hand                       : lion always hunting together, on the other hand tiger was not.
                                                  : not like me, on the other hand he always sleeping.
Turn down                                 : my mother asked me to turn down the radio.
                                                  : the council turn down the our proposal because it is not complete yet.
Fifty-fifty                                    : I want to pay this bill fifty-fifty with him.
                                                  : the best way to solve this problem is we have to pay fifty-fifty.
Break in                                     : please, don’t break in when I am talking.
                                                  : actually I want to break your statement in.
A lost cause                               : don’t be lost your cause.
                                                  : I always try to avoid lost my cause.
Above all                                    : the above all of this discussion is money.
                                                  : my mother is the above all of my business.

Third meeting.

Go without                                        : I go to office without somebody to accompanying me.
                                                         : Reny do without anything all day.
According to                                     : according to me, the poem is good.
                                                         : I am not believing you, if according to his explanation.
Be bound to do something                 : he bound to leave his boyfriend.
                                                        : I bound to help you.
For sure                                           : I have to do that for sure.
                                                        : she want to kiss me for sure.
Take for                                          : she always take me for a good guy.
                                                       : I am sorry, I take you for naughty.
Try out                                            : I want try your new car out.
                                                       : Fatih always try to do exercise out for entering the university next year.
Tear down                                        : the contractor tear down the school for build new building.
                                                         : Bran tear down the church for build the mosque.
Tear up                                             : my friend tear up the romance letter from her boyfriend.
                                                         : I want to tear my tooth up with dentist help.
Go over                                            : my mother go over money from me with sweet smile.
                                                         : my teacher always go over the class.
Run out                                             : he run out the goods this month.
                                                         : the diver is running out the air tank.
At heart                                            : at heart, she is beautiful.
                                                        : I will keep all about you at my heart.
About to                                          : I will about to go when your message is came.
                                                       : Dino have about to go to school.
Bite off                                            : The shark bites off the fisherman.
                                                       : Bren cried after his leg bitten off by the dog.
Tell a part                                        : my mom always tell apart everything for us fairly.
                                                       : I want to tell you all to three part.
All in all                                           : all in all, this program is good, although many obstacle.
                                                       : all in all, the witness explanation judge decide to release the defended.

Fourth meeting.

Pass out                                   : his family so suffer after his father pass out.
                                               : my teacher pass the question out.
Go around                               : he invite me to go around with them.
                                               : I want to go around.
Be in the way                           : so many people be in the way the execution.
                                               : don’t be in the way.
Put on                                     : I always put my hat on when sunny day.
                                              : tonight we will put the song on.
Put up with                             : she always try to put up with me.
                                              : can you put up my dress with yours.
In vein                                    : if we do something without pray, it will be end in vein.
                                              : your money will be in vein if you not use it wisely.
Day after day                         : day after day my English going better.
                                             : day in day out you still down in the dumps.
Catch up with                        : my skill catch up with you.
                                             : you height catch up with her.
Put up                                   : please put your hand up.
                                             : I want to put the trust up.
Hold still                               : we hold still in here because everybody is afraid.
                                             :you hold still because he order you like that.
Know by sight                      : I know her by sight because we were met before.
                                              : my mother can know me by sight.
Bring up                                 : my father bring me up.
                                              : tono bring you up so that you can reach your dream.
Get lost                                  : don’t get lost your money.
                                              : my brother got lost when we shopping in the mall.
Hold up                                  : the president hold the meeting up because something trouble coming up.
                                               : reza hold up the appointment because day is rain.

Fifth meeting.

Run away                              : many prisoner run away from the jail after fire last month.
                                              : he ran away from the class because he felt berried.
Role out                                 : she role the toys out from the bed.
                                              : could you help me to role the dust up from the table.
By far                                     : by far, everything is ok.
                                              : I get the point of your lecture by far.
See off                                   : she cried when she saw me off in airport.
                                             : my mother go to station to see me off.
See out                                  : I will come to port for see you out.
                                             : they were here for saw you out.
No wonder                           : no wonder if you come late, because you are lazier.
                                            : no wonder that you become success because you always persistent to pursue  your goal.
Go out                                    : the fire man go out to the fire building.
                                               : we have to go out as soon as possible.
Go up                                      : she walked up to me and asked my name.
                                               : doni come up to the teacher for submit the assignment.
Hand in                                   : today we have to hand in our homework to mister Rahmat.
                                               : Sihab come up to mister toto for hand in his job.
In case                                    : I will be the civilian in case my mother not bring me up to a good person.
                                              : I met her in restaurant in case.
Take apart                             : today I will take apart between my stuff and others.
                                             : mechanic took apart the motorcycle for fixed it.
Put together                          : I want to put my dress together, so that I will not getting lost them.
                                            : we have to put together in case we will not lost each other.
Be better-of                         : I hope we can do it be better.
                                           : I wish anything will be better.
Be well of                            : Rina be well to survive in this city.
                                           : I am not be well for you.
Take by surprise                 : I took by surprise when saw you with him.
                                           : he take me by surprise when he give me the gift.
Keep in touch                      : Rudi always keep in touch with his girlfriend.
                                           : I wish always keep in touch with my mama.

Sixth meeting.

Name after                            : my mother named after me with my father’s name.
                                             : I gave may cat’s name after with hers cat’s name.
Hold on                                 : keep holding on while I far away from you.
                                             : don’t let her fall down, keep hold her arm on.
Stop by                                 : I will stop by in your house when I am on my way back.
                                             : I hope you will often to stop by in here.
Drop a line                            : when I am been in Japan I hope you will drop me a line.
                                            : although you are so far from me but I will always drop a line to you.
Come across                        : when I took a bath this morning I was coming across a ring.
                                            : I walked through the way and suddenly she came across me.
Stand for                              : he look horrible it is stand for that he so tired.
                                            : Rocky stand in the stage for us.

Rabbit and Turtle

Teaching Clinic 2013

English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries. English is very much important in our is necessary in each and every field.
If we know English we never feel tongue tide in front of others. It's a widely spoken language. People take pride in speaking English .if we don't know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of hour. Today we can't deny the importance of English in our life.To anyone who lives in an English speaking country, it is of vital importance. Language is always very important, because it is the means of communication.
If you cannot speak the language of a place, it will be very difficult to communicate with the people. And so it is an absolute neccesity. We communicate with others every day. Weather we just say 'hello' or have a long conversation, or  whether we give or follow instructions, or weather at home or at the shop or in the workplace. Communication is a tool for everyday life-Everyone uses it every day. And language makes it a whole lot easier, so everyone learns to speak their native language. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and if you know how to speak it, it will be an invaluable tool of communication. You can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learning.

Jumat, 05 April 2013

The important of english

English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries. English is very much important in our is necessary in each and every field. If we know English we never feel tongue tide in front of others. It's a widely spoken language. People take pride in speaking English .if we don't know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of hour. Today we can't deny the importance of English in our life.To anyone who lives in an English speaking country, it is of vital importance. Language is always very important, because it is the means of communication. If you cannot speak the language of a place, it will be very difficult to communicate with the people. And so it is an absolute neccesity.We communicate with others every day. Weather we just say 'hello' or have a long conversation, or weather we give or follow instructions, or weather at home or at the shop or in the workplace. Communication is a tool for everyday life-Everyone uses it every day. And language makes it a whole lot easier, so everyone learns to speak their native language. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and if you know how to speak it, it will be an invaluable tool of communication. You can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learning