Muhammad Novriadi Alfatih

Welcome to my home. You are welcome in here, because we are family.

Senin, 08 April 2013

Every single person in the world usually have a dream, big dream. Being success, wealthy, have a beautiful wife, or even become a president. But the important thing from that dream is how to grab it. There is doesn’t matter how big or how high your dream but how your effort to reach your goal. Try to imagine that a climber who climb the huge and high mountain with all tools and heavy bag in his back. He have a goal, what is he goal? His goal is to standing on the peak of the mount. But we should be relies that every journey always have obstacle. Stone, river, even beast animal will be ready to stay in the climber way. Although there is so many barrier but the climber really don’t care about that, he keep going on, until he get his goal.
In our reality, we can take  valuable lesson from the climber above. No matter what our dream or goal, we should be relies that we can make it, we can do it, we can make it come true. Sometimes in our journey, we come across with the trouble. Perhaps love, money, family, friends, or even from ourselves. For instance, someone who want to continued his study but he doesn’t have much ability to funding himself. Or, he a rich guy but he doesn’t have any spirit to do something because he from the broken home family. There is nobody perfect, always have more and less.
But the point is how to make a deal with our weakness. How to solve the problem. Every dreamer will be followed  by the problem. More high you dream, more strong your problem. More high the trees, more strong the wind to tear it up.  So, what should we do? As we know Struggle and patient are the solution for it. Be struggle and patient when we got the problems, when we on under pressure condition. be patient to learn, take lesson from our mistakes. Consistent to keep walk even we tired.
Diamond and the rock are from the similar substance, but they have different experience. Diamond formed by high pressure and hottest temperature in beneath of the earth and take very long time. In the other hand, rocks is not. More pain, more gain. Trust me, if we want to got something, we have to give something. Give our best effort, give our patient so that nothing will be end in nothing.  

Pare, 8 April 2013

1 komentar:

  1. I have 100 dreams (or more)
    and i just want to achieve. :)

    could you read my post (^o^)
