Muhammad Novriadi Alfatih

Welcome to my home. You are welcome in here, because we are family.

Sabtu, 06 April 2013


Hello my friends, hows doing? i hope everything been better with you all. Today i want to share you about Idiom. Hopely, this information can be help you to improve our english. Okay i dont wanna bet around the bush anymore, here we go.. The Idiom..

Idiom Homework

To eat in                                    : I always come home before 18.00 to eat in with my mother.
                                                  Tika asked me to join hear eat in hers house.
Eat out                                    : Although his mother have cook for dinner, he asked me to eat out in restaurant.
                                                  : Yoko always go to restaurant for eat out. 
Cut and Dried                            : I afraid to cut and dried if I too long in here.
                                                  : My dormitory is great, so I never cut and dried.
To look after                              : I hope you can look after my mother when I have been in Pare.
                                                  : I wonder you to look after his car
Feel like                                      : I don’t feel like to do anything.
                                                  : I feel like to study tonight.
Once and for All                         : I ask you for once and for all
                                                  : I can pass this exam once and for all.
To hear from                              : I hear from him that you have been in here since yesterday
                                                  : Reza heard from Doni that I was accepted the scholarship.
Make fun of                                : Do not be stupid if you do not want to make them fun of you.
                                                  : I do not mean to make fun of your hairstyle.
To come true                              : Every single person have their own way to make their dream come true.
                                                  : I will make my dream come true by hook.
As a matter a fact                      : as a matter of fact, I can’t speak English.
                                                  : as a matter of fact, my mother always pray for me.
To have one’s way                      : we have to persistent to have one’s way
                                                  : Don’t give up, we can have our one’s way.
Look forward                            : She always, look forward to be my girlfriend
                                                  : I look forward to be a greatest scientist in the world.
Inside out                                    : You must fix your clothes, because it is inside out.
                                                  : I wonder, why you wearing your clothes by inside out.
Upside down                              : You have to change the position because it is upside down.
                                                  : You would make this thing broken if you still assemble that upside down.
Fill in                                        : I am still filling in my cv.
                                                  : I want to fill in water to the bottle.
Fill out                                         : perhaps I will fill out my letter.
                                                  : all of us have to fill out our task.
Take my advantage of                 : I will take advantage of this opportunity.
                                                  : we have to take advantage of our strength to make up our personality.
No matter                                  : it is no matter if today rain.
                                                  : no matter how ugly you are, I still loving you.
Be in touch                                 : I hope we can still be in touch even if we had broke.
                                                  : I still be in touch with Tika because she loves me.

Second meeting:

Take up                                      : The president took up speech after the governor.
                                                  : The journey from Lampung to Kediri was took up about 2 days.
Take up with                              : Every chairman of organization take up with all members.
                                                  : I feel glad to take up with you.
Out of touch with                        : I feel sad when I am out of touch with her.
                                                  : I hope you don’t be out of touch with me.
On one’s toes                             : I am always urge you to on one’s toes.
                                                  : I wonder on his toes.
Get long                                     : After ten years, our medicine technology is get long.
                                                  : I have to get long.
Hard of hearing                           : After reach 50 years old, usually some person will get hard of hearing.
                                                  : I don’t want to hard of hearing.
See eye to eye                            : I think between you and I have see eye to eye.
                                                  : I am very glad because my boss was see eye to eye with me.
Have in mind                              : do you have something in your mind?
                                                  : I always having you in my mind.
Keep in mind                              : I wish that you will always keep me in your mind.
                                                  : ika always keep all about me in her mind.
For once                                    : Could you help me to just for once.
                                                  : I want to see your face for once before I am leaving you forever.
To go off                                    : I wonder why suddenly you go off.
                                                  : please give me your reason why you go off.
Make a best of                           : we have to do a best of our activities.
                                                  : I believe that you can make a best of your effort.
Cut off                                        : don’t cut my head off please
                                                  : could you help me to cut the line off.
Cut out                                       : this paper is too large, please cut it off.
                                                  : it is easy to cut this paper out.
Blow out                                    : The terrorist was success to blow that building out.
                                                  : I am blowing out the balloon.
Become of                                 :I don’t believe that calamity become of me.
                                                  : why the accident became of my friend.
Shut up                                       : hi, shut up your mouth.
                                                  : should I shut the windows up?
Have got                                     : I have got lot of money.
                                                  : when I was child, I have got lot of toys.
Have got to                                 : we have got to obey our obligation.
                                                  : I have go-to do my home work.
Keep up with                             : don’t speak too fast, I can’t keep up with your voice.
                                                  : trust me I can keep up with your love.
On the other hand                       : lion always hunting together, on the other hand tiger was not.
                                                  : not like me, on the other hand he always sleeping.
Turn down                                 : my mother asked me to turn down the radio.
                                                  : the council turn down the our proposal because it is not complete yet.
Fifty-fifty                                    : I want to pay this bill fifty-fifty with him.
                                                  : the best way to solve this problem is we have to pay fifty-fifty.
Break in                                     : please, don’t break in when I am talking.
                                                  : actually I want to break your statement in.
A lost cause                               : don’t be lost your cause.
                                                  : I always try to avoid lost my cause.
Above all                                    : the above all of this discussion is money.
                                                  : my mother is the above all of my business.

Third meeting.

Go without                                        : I go to office without somebody to accompanying me.
                                                         : Reny do without anything all day.
According to                                     : according to me, the poem is good.
                                                         : I am not believing you, if according to his explanation.
Be bound to do something                 : he bound to leave his boyfriend.
                                                        : I bound to help you.
For sure                                           : I have to do that for sure.
                                                        : she want to kiss me for sure.
Take for                                          : she always take me for a good guy.
                                                       : I am sorry, I take you for naughty.
Try out                                            : I want try your new car out.
                                                       : Fatih always try to do exercise out for entering the university next year.
Tear down                                        : the contractor tear down the school for build new building.
                                                         : Bran tear down the church for build the mosque.
Tear up                                             : my friend tear up the romance letter from her boyfriend.
                                                         : I want to tear my tooth up with dentist help.
Go over                                            : my mother go over money from me with sweet smile.
                                                         : my teacher always go over the class.
Run out                                             : he run out the goods this month.
                                                         : the diver is running out the air tank.
At heart                                            : at heart, she is beautiful.
                                                        : I will keep all about you at my heart.
About to                                          : I will about to go when your message is came.
                                                       : Dino have about to go to school.
Bite off                                            : The shark bites off the fisherman.
                                                       : Bren cried after his leg bitten off by the dog.
Tell a part                                        : my mom always tell apart everything for us fairly.
                                                       : I want to tell you all to three part.
All in all                                           : all in all, this program is good, although many obstacle.
                                                       : all in all, the witness explanation judge decide to release the defended.

Fourth meeting.

Pass out                                   : his family so suffer after his father pass out.
                                               : my teacher pass the question out.
Go around                               : he invite me to go around with them.
                                               : I want to go around.
Be in the way                           : so many people be in the way the execution.
                                               : don’t be in the way.
Put on                                     : I always put my hat on when sunny day.
                                              : tonight we will put the song on.
Put up with                             : she always try to put up with me.
                                              : can you put up my dress with yours.
In vein                                    : if we do something without pray, it will be end in vein.
                                              : your money will be in vein if you not use it wisely.
Day after day                         : day after day my English going better.
                                             : day in day out you still down in the dumps.
Catch up with                        : my skill catch up with you.
                                             : you height catch up with her.
Put up                                   : please put your hand up.
                                             : I want to put the trust up.
Hold still                               : we hold still in here because everybody is afraid.
                                             :you hold still because he order you like that.
Know by sight                      : I know her by sight because we were met before.
                                              : my mother can know me by sight.
Bring up                                 : my father bring me up.
                                              : tono bring you up so that you can reach your dream.
Get lost                                  : don’t get lost your money.
                                              : my brother got lost when we shopping in the mall.
Hold up                                  : the president hold the meeting up because something trouble coming up.
                                               : reza hold up the appointment because day is rain.

Fifth meeting.

Run away                              : many prisoner run away from the jail after fire last month.
                                              : he ran away from the class because he felt berried.
Role out                                 : she role the toys out from the bed.
                                              : could you help me to role the dust up from the table.
By far                                     : by far, everything is ok.
                                              : I get the point of your lecture by far.
See off                                   : she cried when she saw me off in airport.
                                             : my mother go to station to see me off.
See out                                  : I will come to port for see you out.
                                             : they were here for saw you out.
No wonder                           : no wonder if you come late, because you are lazier.
                                            : no wonder that you become success because you always persistent to pursue  your goal.
Go out                                    : the fire man go out to the fire building.
                                               : we have to go out as soon as possible.
Go up                                      : she walked up to me and asked my name.
                                               : doni come up to the teacher for submit the assignment.
Hand in                                   : today we have to hand in our homework to mister Rahmat.
                                               : Sihab come up to mister toto for hand in his job.
In case                                    : I will be the civilian in case my mother not bring me up to a good person.
                                              : I met her in restaurant in case.
Take apart                             : today I will take apart between my stuff and others.
                                             : mechanic took apart the motorcycle for fixed it.
Put together                          : I want to put my dress together, so that I will not getting lost them.
                                            : we have to put together in case we will not lost each other.
Be better-of                         : I hope we can do it be better.
                                           : I wish anything will be better.
Be well of                            : Rina be well to survive in this city.
                                           : I am not be well for you.
Take by surprise                 : I took by surprise when saw you with him.
                                           : he take me by surprise when he give me the gift.
Keep in touch                      : Rudi always keep in touch with his girlfriend.
                                           : I wish always keep in touch with my mama.

Sixth meeting.

Name after                            : my mother named after me with my father’s name.
                                             : I gave may cat’s name after with hers cat’s name.
Hold on                                 : keep holding on while I far away from you.
                                             : don’t let her fall down, keep hold her arm on.
Stop by                                 : I will stop by in your house when I am on my way back.
                                             : I hope you will often to stop by in here.
Drop a line                            : when I am been in Japan I hope you will drop me a line.
                                            : although you are so far from me but I will always drop a line to you.
Come across                        : when I took a bath this morning I was coming across a ring.
                                            : I walked through the way and suddenly she came across me.
Stand for                              : he look horrible it is stand for that he so tired.
                                            : Rocky stand in the stage for us.

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